You’ll find a video explaining what a customer journey map is, how to do it, a video explanation of a customer journey map, and of course a customer journey map template download for free.
What is a Customer Journey Map?
The exercise of creating a customer journey map is a process of tracking and describing all the experiences that customers have as they encounter a service or set of services or products and product features, taking into account not only what happens to them, but also their responses to their experiences. In other words, it’s a document that captures not just what happens to them, but how they feel.
With a growing emphasis on getting closer to customers, a journey map helps us to bring customers’ stories to life and acts as a call to action and helps drive cultural change. It can help shape strategy and policy and potentially new service or product innovation.
Journey Maps can be thought of as documents that visually illustrate a customer’s needs, the interactions to fulfill those needs and the emotional state of the customer throughout the process. Interaction Designers and other UX professionals can convert volumes of research findings and analysis into a concise yet visually compelling story which stakeholders across the organization can easily understand and point to actionable items that will result in improvement on behalf of the customer.