It is all about the people. You can have all the tools, principles and practices of lean and lean manufacturing down pat, but you are finding success
Lean Implementation Requires Determination
On paper, lean implementation looks pretty simple. In reality, it will be one of the most challenging things your organization will take on.
Green Manufacturing and Frito Lay
The next time you bite into a crunchy Frito-Lay snack, consider this that crunchy, tasty snack might just have come from one of the most
[VIDEO] Take Kaizen Home and Be More Successful
KaizenĀ is the Japanese word for "improvement." In business, Kaizen refers to activities that continuously improve all functions and involve all
Lean Farming Adopts the Practices of Lean Manufacturing
As the global population continues to grow and the effects of climate change impacts our food sources, it has become crucial for forward-thinkers to
Advances With Lean Six Sigma and Healthcare
Just like any other organization, healthcare organizations do their business through processes, and any process can be studied and improved using
[VIDEO] Learning More About Lean Farming
Ben Hartman is the author of The Lean Farm, a book on minimizing waste and increasing efficiency on the vegetable farm. He has farmed full-time for
Waste Reduction and Muda, Mura and Muri
Most definitions of lean manufacturing refer to the reduction of the Muda (7 wastes) as the main focus. Few definitions of lean differentiate between
[VIDEO] Patient Safety Week 2018
When speaking about patient safety, the conversations are really about how hospitals and other healthcare organizations protect their patients from