At least 211 United States veterans are in unmarked or unrecorded graves in Arlington National Cemetery Army officials report that remains were found
Affinity Diagram in Six Sigma DMAIC Projects
In this 4:25 minute video, we discuss the Affinity Diagram in Six Sigma. Specifically, after this video, you'll understand what the affinity diagram
Air Pillows Shipping is Waste
Wasteful packaging and overuse of corrugate is a huge source of environmental waste as well as a huge cost hog to an organization. The root cause of
Occupational Safety in a Warehouse
In the May edition of Inbound Logistics, there's a good article on Warehouse Safety, written by Stanley Stone, Vice President of Safety at Penske
7 Waste Hide in Plain Sight
In Lean Management, the phrase "learn to see" was not coined by accident. John Shook and company chose a great term to describe the transformation
Overdoing Visual Management: Urinating in Elevators
Urinating in Elevators - apparently, this happens and there are people that do this type of stuff. Visual Management works - making things obvious,
Lean Six Sigma Safety Management: An Example from Toyota
Lean Six Sigma Safety Management: An Example from Toyota is an article showing how Toyota applies Genchi Genbutsu towards safety efforts. Kristen
Lean and Six Sigma History: A Common Starting Point
Both the Toyota Production System (Lean) and Six Sigma approaches owe their origins to a common body of work. Statistical Process Control (SPC),
Lean or Six Sigma?
People often ask "which is better, Lean or Six Sigma"? In many cases, lean or six sigma can help, but it's not enough. My response to such