A dirty restroom delivers a message of respect. A dirty restroom is a top-level indicator for what is important to a company and can give us an
Genchi Genbutsu Can Help Us Develop Better Judgment
Being abstracted from the real thing leads to poor decisions. As leaders, we lead, we teach, and we make decisions. But in doing so, we need help to
Lean Practitioners at an Ivory Tower
The title of this post is made tongue-in-cheek, because this article really celebrates an amazing transformation that is happening at The University
Confusing Visual Hospital Management System
In Visual Management, colors, shapes, and words mean something. Red usually means "danger" or something that is meant to alert the human. When colors
Reconciling Lean and The Theory of Constraints
This article is part of a series on Lean and the Theory of Constraints. Here is the 3 part series: Lean and Theory of Constraints: An Either/Or
Genchi Genbutsu: Data versus Facts
Note: Check out my podcast with Eric Ries on the influence of the Toyota Production System on his work. In Lean Management Go and See is more of a
Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma: Can Lean and Six Sigma Co-exist?
In an earlier post, I asked the question: How can Lean and The Theory of Constraints work together? In my attempt to answer that question, I
The Theory of Constraints Fundamentals
This article is part of a series on Lean and the Theory of Constraints. Here is the 3 part series: Lean and Theory of Constraints: An Either/Or
In a Glance: Oil Spill Animals Affected Chart
Similar to the principle of "Make it Obvious", and "Make Problems Visible", this principle is more about delivery than content. The content must be