We're pleased to have Annette Franz Gleneicki share with us her perspective on several questions that keep customer experience professionals up at
Descending into the Mariana Trench and Lessons in Customer Experience
Titanic Director, James Cameron, was recently interviewed on NPR [1. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/05/23/186302916/Mariana-Trench] on his
Improving the Customer Experience: An Interview with Michel Falcon
We're very pleased to have Michel Falcon share with us his thoughts on how to create brands people admire. Michel Falcon is a customer experience
Standard Work Improves Customer Experience and Helps Decision Making
Standard Work Leadership is often based on the concept that when there is no standard, there is no Kaizen. But, the benefits of Standard Work does
Customer Service Andon Cord: Jeff Bezos and Customer Experience
Jeff Bezos demonstrates - yet again - what it means to be customer centric and demonstrates Customer Service Lean Principles. In his Amazon 2012
Customer Experience Management: What Customers Desire to Feel versus What Customers Actually Feel
There's a lot that can be said for delivering a wonderful customer experience. Of the many things that can be said, here's something that many do not
Standardized Work: How My White Board Keeps me On Track
A simple Standard Work Board that follows the tried and true principle of Standard Work help me a lot. Let me share with you the white board I use at
Complaint Handling versus The Actual Problem
Sometimes our complaint handling is more important than the original problem. Let me explain. Most people that are in the Process Improvement or
Net Promoter Survey of Facebook Promoted Posts
I recently decided to try my hand at marketing. No, I'm not a marketer - I don't even claim to profess to know anything at all about the topic.