Deming's ideas were his own, but he owes a great deal to his mentor, Walter Shewhart. In this article, we explore the idea that led to Deming's work
How to Write an Effective Problem Statement in Six Sigma
The Problem Statement in Six Sigma is deceptively simple. Yet, we know it is so difficult to write. Why? And how can we effectively write one that is
Leadership Lessons from Rocky Balboa and Sylvester Stallone
There are clear leaders we can learn from. Then, there's unlikely sources of leadership lessons. This article is about the latter. Yes, we can
Portfolio of Initiatives: A Lean Six Sigma Strategic Approach
You can read the article below or get the Portfolio of Initiatives Template Download and watch a video explanation. Most corporate strategy is
20+ Lean Manufacturing iPhone Apps and Six Sigma
Do you eat, drink, breathe, and live lean manufacturing and six sigma? In this day and age, where there are endless resources available to us -
Call Center Experience Can Lead to Loyalty and Revenue
Yes, you heard it here first: A Poor Customer Service Experience will likely lead to customers shopping elsewhere and, therefore, reduced customer
Change Management is Like Potty Training
My son turned 2 years old in June 2010. By most standards, barely a 2 year old isn't ready to be potty trained. I beg to differ. The other day,
ERP, MRP, Kanban, Pull System, and Vending Machines
A critical concept in Lean Management is the concept of "Pull". In traditional production scheduling software or job shop software, such as
Hundreds of Angry Moms: Similac Baby Formula Recall
Abbott has voluntarily recalled its Similac Brand Baby Formula because evidence of beetle larvae has been found in several containers. Imagine