The third principle in Lean Services (or Lean for Service Operations is [1. the principles of Lean for Service Operations are: Solve the customer's
Lean Service: Customer Value and Don’t Waste the Customer’s Time
The second principle in Lean Consumption (or Lean for Service Operations is[1. the principles of Lean for Service Operations are: Solve the customer's
Using 5 Whys to Write Customer Support Help Desk Pages
Customer Support Help Desk Pages is a self-service method for the customer to resolve his or her own concern without having to chat with a customer
Bathroom Cleanliness as Indicator of Company Conditions
A dirty restroom delivers a message of respect. A dirty restroom is a top-level indicator for what is important to a company and can give us an
Genchi Genbutsu Can Help Us Develop Better Judgment
Being abstracted from the real thing leads to poor decisions. As leaders, we lead, we teach, and we make decisions. But in doing so, we need help to
Flow Means Process Steps that Add Value
The ambition for most process engineers, interaction designers, and just plain, smart, business people is to create the perfect flow -- whether it is
iPhone 4, iOS 4.0: Scare Away The Customer
Apple makes beautiful devices. But, the message for the iPhone 4 update is so scary that it erased any giddyness I might have had for the
Lean Consumption: Solve the Customer Problem Completely
The first principle of Lean Consumption is[1. the principles of Lean for Service Operations are: Solve the customer's problem completely by insuring
Lean for Service Operations Principles
The principles of Lean Thinking [1. Also known as (Lean Management, Lean Enterprise, Lean Manufacturing, Toyota Production System)] has gone well