This articles presents a 5 Whys Lean Startup Example - how to apply lean to entrepreneurship. I'm delighted to see Lean Thinking applied to areas
Process Control and Luck
In Lean Thinking, how something gets done is more important than the results. Anathema you say, let me explain. With an over-zealous focus on
Quality of Care in Nursing Homes: The Subtle Clues
A while ago on National Public Radio (NPR), I heard an interview with some officials regarding nursing home reform. One of the people being
Brainstorming: How To Use The Issue Tree
At bottom, lean thinking is about being able to frame the problem, arrive at root causes, generate original ideas that surgically attack those root
Standard Work in Lean Six Sigma: No Standard, Then No Kaizen
Standard Work in Lean Six Sigma is a very misunderstood topic. We explain Standard Work in this video and show you how to begin applying this
How to Add Value at Work: High Yield, Low Maintenance
Much has been written explaining "What is Lean?" or similar articles. But, little has been said describing what a Lean Practitioner is like.
Kanban Flow as Nature Intended
Kanban is a signaling system, designed to trigger an action. If you think about your experience, there are Kanban systems all around us - indeed,
Poka Yoke Hospital Example: Don’t Steal My Pen
I went to the doctor's office today for a nagging back pain I've had for a month. It turns out that I herniated a disc and that's why my left leg has
McDonald’s Flow Chart of Calories
There must be something going on with Food, Kitchens, and Lean. I've talked about how to manage bottlenecks in a fast food business, I recently