Team size can make a big difference in the success of your service or product. What is counter-intuitive for most people is that the larger the team
How Twitter Solves Voter and Other Types of Information Asymetry
A while ago, I wrote a post on how Digg is characterized by the principles of Game Theory. As it turns out, that post was Dugg to the front page of
Sarah Palin Wardrobe Break-Even Analysis
Let's face it: sometimes, people vote not based on character, policy position, or anything else that might be important or substantial. Sometimes,
The Role of The Warehouse in eCommerce and eRetailing: Trade-off and Benefits
Efficiently optimizing inventory, storage space, labor, warehouse costs, and time in eCommerce (e-retailing) is required to attain customer
Tesla Motors is not Toyota: A Contrast in Disrespect and Respect of People
Apparently Tesla Motors shutting down their Detroit office and laid-off 90% of the office. The lucky 10% will be moved to San Jose, California. I
Sarah Palin Linguistic Analysis Shows Clear 80/20 Pareto
What if we organized all of Sarah Palin's speeches into an unstructured corpus and ran a word-frequency linguistic analysis on that corpus? A Pareto
Customer Service Complaints are Symptoms, not Root Causes
Customer Service Complaints are Symptoms, not Root Causes. Let me explain. Most organizations believe that Customer Service contacts are what needs
Value and People: More with More, Less with Less, More with Less, Less with More
In a very tough economic environment, it is inevitable that everyday people like you and me will be impacted. Gyrations in demand -- which is often a
Benchmarking is not a Strategy: There are No Shortcuts to The Law of the Harvest
Benchmarking or Best Practice is an important management tool, but Benchmarking is not a Strategy. It allows a firm to learn about and compare itself