I found this nice case study of Queueing Theory applied to the problems of terrorism. In general, the problems of terrorism can be summed-up as a
Attacking Business Complexity at Heinz Corporation
Many have argued that there is an inverse relationship between business or product complexity and customer satisfaction: the more complex a product or
Lean for Hospitals: Allegheny Medical Center From Factory Floor to the Hospital
I found this wonderful piece on the Toyota Production System and Healthcare. Another example of Lean in a Hospital is Virginia Mason Medical Center.
Zero Defects Concept is Wrong Approach Unless You Use Poka-Yoke
There is wisdom in the definition of Six Sigma, which is 3.4 defects per one million opportunities (DPMO), allowing for a 1.5 Sigma shift. But, some
Multi-Tasking Leads to Lower Productivity
Multitasking Leads to Lower Productivity according to Little's Law. It is a myth: It leads to lower productivity not higher. This article and others
Disneyland Wait Times and Queueing Theory and Impact of Fast Pass
In a previous article, I discussed the Psychology of Queueing and my experience at Disneyland while on vacation with my family. In this post, I want
How to Manage Variation
"How to manage variation" may be a question you've pondered. To answer that question, however, it's first important to understand variation and
Wait Time Psychology at Disneyland
I went on vacation last week to Disneyland. We had a lot of fun. It was also a time to learn how organizations like Disneyland deal with queueing
Unarticulated Customer Needs
I'd venture to say that most products and services are bloated with features that customers most likely don't care for; I've been part of product