This is Part 4 of 6 of the Deming Red Bead Experiment Video Tutorial.
But, before we get to the Red Bead Video Tutorial, here are some famous quotes of Dr. W. Edwards Deming.
Famous Quotes of Dr. W. Edwards Deming
- Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them.
- Quality is everyone’s responsibility.
- If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.
- You can not inspect quality into the product; it is already there.
- Innovation comes from the producer — not from the customer.
- It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.
- Learning is not compulsory… neither is survival.
- Confusing common causes with special causes will only make things worse.
- The prevailing style of management must undergo transformation. A system can not understand itself. The transformation requires a view from outside.
- If you stay in this world, you will never learn another one.
- The result of long-term relationships is better and better quality, and lower and lower costs.
- If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.
- We should work on our process, not the outcome of our processes.
- Quality starts in the boardroom.
- There is a penalty for ignorance. We are paying through the nose.
- A manager of people needs to understand that all people are different. This is not ranking people. He needs to understand that the performance of anyone is governed largely by the system that he works in, the responsibility of management.
- A committee appointed by the President of a company will report what the President wishes to hear. Would they dare report otherwise?
- Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place
- Break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales, and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service.
- Does experience help? NO! Not if we are doing the wrong things.
- A system is a network of interdependent components that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the system. A system must have an aim. Without the aim, there is no system.
- It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.
- It is important that an aim never be defined in terms of activity or methods. It must always relate directly to how life is better for everyone… The aim of the system must be clear to everyone in the system. The aim must include plans for the future. The aim is a value judgment.
- The job can’t be finished only improved to please the customer.
- The average American worker has fifty interruptions a day, of which seventy percent have nothing to do with work.
- The customer is the most important part of the production line.
- When asked what single event was most helpful in developing the Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein replied, ‘Figuring out how to think about the problem’.
- “It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.
The Red Bead Experiment Video #4 is below.
Video Transcript
Instructor: … department. We believe in pay for performance. This money will motivate you as you come up and stop, think, act, review and perform your work. So let’s start Day Number Three. Willing worker Number One, without the pen; there is no pen in the list of materials.
Yes, you’re checking it empty. Did you stop, though, first? Stop and think; you’re thinking, right? Okay, I think you’re thinking; now, act. Just against the edge of the container, yes, right on the end; rotate, up four inches, 47 degrees forward; very good, and on to QA, a very finely motivated worker here.
QA Inspector: Seven.
Instructor: Good, Curt, your best performance yet. I can see that this fine management team is making a difference. And Marty, let’s continue that improving trend here. And remember, visualize the 30; now it’s $30, three red beads, not thirty red beads, $3. And into the bead supply, just straight and smooth through, bury the paddle with the beads. If you keep messing around with it, you end up missing a hole though. So on to QA; in fact you missed two holes. I can’t sell holes; I can’t sell holes. I can only sell white beads.
QA Inspector: Eleven, dismissed.
Instructor: See, if you mess around with this procedure, Marty, 11. Such a declining, well here comes the master of declining performance. Okay, willing worker Number Three, Ed, 10 to 13 and I expect a turnaround in this performance here, Ed. Very good, up four inches, 47 degrees, and onwards to QA. Very good; we’ll review your performance, part of the stop, think, act, review program.
QA Inspector: Seven, dismissed.
Instructor: Ah, you were thinking, Ed. Now comes Tom, my replacement worker who has been studying his procedure, I see. And you stopped and you think, now you act; rotate it through the horizontal. The beads will cover all the holes, up four inches, up four inches and 47 degree tilt; very important; and on to QA.
QA Inspector: Four.
Instructor: Four, round of applause; my replacement worker, four. But however, Tom, you see the number three over there? Number three, okay. Ken, it is your shift now. Okay, up four inches, 47 degrees forward, onwards to QA. Not much expectation here, but…
QA Inspector: Eleven.
Instructor: Yes Ken, back to eleven; my probationary worker. Sid, my cleanup man, my worker of the day the first day. Let’s see, I’m expecting great things from you, Sid. Up four inches, and 47 degrees forward, and on to QA; onwards, onwards. You haven’t been dismissed yet.
QA Inspector: Nine, dismissed.
Instructor: Nine, well, consistent, I suppose. I don’t understand this. Tom, you can get four; you got four. But look at your coworkers; two elevens up there. Boy, what is the source of this problem here? Obviously Marty and Ken. Well, total me up for the day.
QA Inspector: Forty-nine.
Instructor: Forty-nine, ah, improvement; see, setting sun. At least putting some money forward leads to some improvement. And as part of the day, I need you to do some bookkeeping here and total up the first three days’ performance for each worker. Meanwhile, I’ll report to the President. Mr. President, we completed the third day of production with our goals in place and our monetary bonus in place, and still there, on the table 49 red beads; a fine improvement.
President: I agree with you that it is an improvement, but I don’t think it’s sufficient. Our customers still aren’t satisfied with the number of defective product that we have been sending them. But management, of course, has got a solution to this dilemma as well. I would ask you to please rank the workers and identify for me those that are above average. We apparently made a mistake when we hired some of these workers, not all of them are above average. Let me know when you have the ranking.
Instructor: In fact, it does look like Tom is my best worker with 20; come forward and take the head of the line here. I’m very glad I chose you. I had a good recommendation on you. Now, the next worker is Curt at 25, so take the spot number two. Yes, you’re there. The next worker is 26, Sid, ah, Sid to the third spot. And the next worker is Marty and then Ed and then Ken. You already knew, okay.
Now, you see we give you feedback. This is performance appraisal time. Nothing could be more fair; this is your performance for everybody to see, all our stockholders in the world, they see your performance. We’ve ranked you from top to bottom. We notice that there is an average here. You three are above average; you three are below average. That is duly recorded. Mr. President we have completed our performance appraisal process.
President: Thank you and management has reviewed these results and the decision that we have made is to go forward with the prediction that our best workers will be the ones to rely upon in the future. Therefore, I would like you to dismiss the three not best workers. You may give them their severance pay.
Instructor: I want to thank you for your best efforts and the directions to the rock are down the road.
President: Now, going forward …
Instructor: Going forward …
President: We are in dire straits as a company; it’s is going to be very important to us to continue this improving trend. We predict that the best workers that we have kept on are going to help us do that. We would like to work them double shifts on the following day.
Instructor: Keed up production; double shift. Okay, so you’re going to record down is just go in order here. We got to make up time here. We got to get our productivity forward. Come on forth, two days. Yup, just put her right in; follow the procedure. Remember the $30 bonus; we still haven’t hit that yet. But you had four last time, so I’m sure you’ll have three this time. Up four inches, 47 degrees, come on, productivity must be kept up, on to QA. No talking.
QA Inspector: Nine, dismissed.
Instructor: Nine, after all those good things I said about you, Tom. Well, put nine someplace up there. Tom, second shift, come on, double shifting here. We have to keep that bead production up. Productivity, time is money. And four inches and 47 degrees, and on to QA. Ah, he must have thought about this. It looks like we have a recovery here.
QA Inspector: Four, dismissed.
Instructor: Four, very good. Why didn’t you do that the first time? Okay, next worker, willing worker number one, that’s Curt. Remember, stop, think, act, review. Right in there, yep, yep, rotate through to horizontal, up four inches, and 47 degree tilt. Well, okay, fine.
QA Inspector: Nine, dismissed.
Instructor: Nine; okay, now if you follow Tom’s performance you should now have four the next time. But four isn’t good enough, remember, three. Visualize that $30; it’s right there. Visualize, think, now act.
Male Voice: I can’t change the procedure.
Instructor: Well, this is a finely engineered procedure. If you must, you can mark up a procedure when you’re done and we’ll submit it to the Engineering Department. Okay, on to QA.
Get instructions on how to conduct the Red Bead Experiment >>>
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Blog Article | Excel | PowerPoint | Video |
Module | Description | Type | |
Overview |
What is Six SigmaThe various definitions of Six Sigma is explained in this 5:42 video. We specifically discuss 6 definitions of "Sigma", ending with the most relevant definition which is related to the DMAIC Method of Problem Solving. |
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Overview |
The DMAIC FrameworkIn this 4:17 video, we explain the DMAIC framework and give an introduction to each phase in DMAIC. We specifically show the storyboard for each phase in the DMAIC framework. |
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Overview |
DMAIC versus PDCAArticle describes how PDCA is used in Lean and the similarities and common history between PDCA and DMAIC. |
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Overview |
History of Six Sigma and LeanIn this video, we go through the various contributors of Six Sigma, their contribution, and why it's important in the practice of modern Six Sigma. We also go into the history of the Toyota Production System and how the term "lean" was coined. Video is 7:36 long. |
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Overview |
Lean History and TimelineThis article shows a comprehensive history and timeline of Lean and of continuous improvement beginning in the 1600's. |
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Overview |
Black Belt CertificationIn this article, we provide various resources where you may take the Black Belt exam should you choose to do so. We also discuss the positive and negative of Black Belt certification. |
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DEFINE | |||
Define |
The Define Phase StoryboardWe introduce the Define Phase and show the Define Storyboard, a high level map of what the phase is about and the expected outputs. Video length is 3:50. |
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Define |
Business Needs AssessmentIn this video, we discuss how to identify business needs of an organization and how to take that knowledge and transform it into a formal DMAIC project that will get the backing and support from top management. Video length is 6:46. |
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Define |
Project CharterIn this 5:37 minute video, we explain the role of the project charter and its importance in Six Sigma DMAIC projects. Video length is 5:37. |
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Define |
Project Selection MatrixIn this short 2:51 minute video, we learn a simple and effective method for prioritizing between competing priorities. This method is important for the selection of an improvement project. |
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Define |
Problem StatementArticulating the problem well gets you much closer to a solution. In this video, we show you how along with several real world examples of effective problem statements. Video length is 5:42. |
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Define |
Stakeholder AnalysisIdentifying stakeholders and their needs is one of the most important steps in Define. This is especially crucial if there are any influential stakeholders that are resistant to your message. Video length is 2:47. |
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Define |
Affinity DiagramAffinity Diagram is a tried and true method for brainstorming and coming up with ideas. Learn how to apply this technique in this video. Video length is 4:25. |
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Define |
SIPOCIdentifying the key spots where measurements can be taken in crucial. This video will show you how to do it. Video length is 3:01. |
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Define |
Voice of the Customer and CTQIn this video spanning 5:11, we explain Voice of the Customer and how Six Sigma is rooted in the customer. We explain how to translate Voice of the Customer into Critical to Quality Metrics. |
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Define |
Critical to Quality TreeArticle explaining the critical to quality tree, with examples, and a template to download so you can create your own for your six sigma projects. |
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Define |
Value Stream MapIn this 4:42 video, you will learn understand the value stream map symbols and learn how to design your own value stream map. We provide a zip file of VSM Symbols for you to download. |
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Define |
Kano ModelWe explain the Kano Model to identify service and product characteristics that should be "satisfiers" and the ones that be "good enough" and don't need to go any further. |
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Measure |
The Measure Phase StoryboardWe introduce the Measure Phase and show the Measure Storyboard, a high level map of what the phase is about and the expected outputs. |
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Measure |
Data Types in Six SigmaIn this article we explain the various types of data, how they're different, and what they tell us about process behavior. We will also learn how to collect data. Video length is 5:24. |
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Measure |
Descriptive StatisticsIn this module we learn various data measures that tell us key characteristics of a data set. We also begin the foundation for our discussion on distributions in a later module. |
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DistributionsThis is a brief introduction to statistical distributions and what inferences we can draw from them. |
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Measure |
Graphical Representation of DataGraphically representing data effectively is required to effectively communicate meaning. In this module we learn various graphical methods and how to do them. |
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Measure |
7 Quality ToolsWe briefly introduce each of the 7 quality tools. We follow this video several videos where we focus on the detailed of each of the 7 quality tools. Video length is 4:46. |
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Measure |
Check SheetsIn this HD video, we explain the checksheet, what it is used for, see various examples of checksheets, how to create one, and be able to download a checksheet template from the Shmula content library. Video length is 3:53. |
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Measure |
Pareto ChartIn this 4:48 minute video, you will learn the history of the Pareto Principle, why it's important, and how to apply the Pareto Principle in your lean and six sigma efforts using excel. |
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HistogramThis video on the Histogram explains what it is, when to use it, and how to use it. Video length is 3:01. |
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Scatter PlotIn this 4:27 short video, we introduce the Scatterplot, what it is, why use it, and how it can be helpful in your six sigma projects. |
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Cause and Effect DiagramThis 5:21 minute video explains the cause and effect diagram - what it is, when to use it, and how to create one. |
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Control ChartIn this video, we introduce you to the control chart - what it is, where to use it, when to use it, and how it's used. Video length is 7:05. |
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Run ChartIn Progress |
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Process Cycle EfficiencyProcess Cycle Efficiency is a more modern tool that looks at processes from the perspective of value and waste. We show you how to do it and why it's important. |
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FMEAFailure Mode Effects Analysis is a tried and true method and technique for quickly identifying ways where process problems can occur and how to quickly mitigate them. Video length is 4:45. |
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Basic StatisticsIn this article, we go in depth to explain basic data types, scales, and the language of six sigma. |
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Using Z ValuesWe learn about Z Values or the Z Score with applications in Six Sigma projects. |
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Sample Size CalculationsIn this module we learn the underpinnings of sample size calculations and how they are used in six sigma. We provide a sample size calculator in the template section also. |
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Introduction to VariationThis article introduces the learner to the concept of variation and how it impacts the customer experience. |
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Red Bead Experiment Part 1Introduction to red bead experiment. |
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Red Bead Experiment Part 2In part 2, we actually do a quick run through the experiment. |
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Red Bead Experiment Part 3In this video, we explain and go through more runs of the experiment. |
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Red Bead Experiment Part 4In this video we continue our experiment and go through some of Dr. Deming's most famous quotes. |
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Red Bead Experiment Part 5Continuing the experiment, with a focus on how to best facilitate an event. |
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Red Bead Experiment Part 6In this last video in the series, we go through the key lessons learned from Deming's famous experiment on variation. |
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Measurement System AnalysisIn this video we discuss variation and how it impacts our methods of measuring. Video length is 5:28 and we show examples along with tips on how to deal with bad metrology. Video length is 5:28. |
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Measure |
Gauge R&RIn this video we explain the Gauge R&R Test and provide various examples of where and how it may be applied in industry. |
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Analyze |
The Analyze Phase StoryboardWe introduce the Analyze Phase and show the Analyze Storyboard, a high level map of what the phase is about and the expected outputs. |
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Analyze |
BrainstormingWe introduce various methods of brainstorming. Some conventional and some not very and more modern. Some of these methods are taken from Design Thinking and have been found to be very effective in identifying innovative and simple solutions to problems. |
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Analyze |
5 Whys and Fishbone DiagramIn this video we explain the 5 Why exercise and show many examples. We extend the 5 Whys and show how it naturally leads to the Fishbone Diagram. |
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Analyze |
Verifying Root CausesWe introduce hypothesis testing and various methods for doing so including the Regression, T Test, Chi Square, and ANOVA. |
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Analyze |
Hypothesis TestingIn Progress |
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RegressionIn Progress |
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T TestIn Progress |
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Analyze |
Chi SquareIn Progress |
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ANOVAIn Progress |
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Improve |
The Improve Phase StoryboardWe introduce the Improve Phase and show the Improve Storyboard, a high level map of what the phase is about and the expected outputs. |
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Improve |
Change ManagementWe introduce you to several change management models that have been found to effective in practice. We show what they are, how to do them. |
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Improve |
Solution Selection MatrixThe Solution Selection Matrix is a simple tool that helps a team vote and decide on which solution makes the most sense to put resources behind in improvement projects. |
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Process CapabilityWe discuss process capability and how it's different from a process not in control. We discuss its importance. |
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Cost / Benefit AnalysisWe introduce the concept of Cost and Benefit Analysis and provide several ways at showing cost savings from Six Sigma Projects. |
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Improve |
Poka YokeAs part of the Improve Phase, we introduce the concept of Poka Yoke, or error proofing, as a way to prevent defects before they even occur. We show may examples and teach the principles behind Poka Yoke. |
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Control |
The Control Phase StoryboardWe introduce the Control Phase and show the Control Storyboard, a high level map of what the phase is about and the expected outputs. |
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Control |
Before / After ParetoWe show ways to visually see before and after results of your project. |
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Control |
Standard Pig GameIn this 4:55 minute video, we show you a simple and effective game that teaches the importance of Standard Work. This video should be watched prior to the video on Standard Work. |
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Standard WorkStandard Work is a foundation of Lean and Six Sigma. In this 5:36 minute video we explain Standard Work and show its role in continuous improvement. |
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Control ChartsWe discuss the various control charts, why they're important, and how to create them given your process and given your data type. |
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