We sent men to the moon in 1969 on a tiny fraction of the data that's in the average laptop. The amount of digital data in the universe is growing at
Using Lean Startup for Greater Social Impact
The following guest article was written by Jordan Rosenfeld, contributor for Lean Startup Co. The exponential speed of technological change has been
Innovation: Is It Worth The Investment?
Innovation. What is the value? That is a tough question! Asking the definition of value' becomes a loaded question. Depending on who you ask¦depends
Shmula Podcast: Eric Ries Lean Startup Interview
I'm excited to present this interview I conducted with Eric Ries, the author of The Lean Startup and The Startup Way. Eric's background is in startups
Interview with Josh Coates on Mozy and Innovation
Disclaimer: i am not affiliated in any way with mozy, berkeley data systems inc., or josh coates. josh and i met several weeks ago over a plate of
Fired from Google: Interview with Mark Jen on Self-Esteem and Innovation
we're pleased to present our featured disruptive company today -- plaxo. here to answer our questions is the infamous mark jen - yes, that mark jen -