The concept of collaborative leadership seems foreign to some professionals new to a leadership role. Most newly anointed leaders anticipate an
[VIDEO] The True Focus of Lean and TPS
The true concept of lean and TPS has two main pillars. These two pillars are respect for people and continuous improvement. Many organizations who try
Marketing Professionals Adopt Lean Agile Techniques
Marketing professionals are starting to take their cues from the manufacturing industry and adopt lean agile principles to improve performance and
[VIDEO] Lean Agile Sprints for Marketing
In taking a cue from manufacturing, marketing departments are embracing the principles of lean agile practices. Research shows that over the past five
Kanban Board Optimizes Efficiency and Process
The Kanban board is a lean tool for managing flow in a process. From simple processes to the most complex, the board will visually represent a every
[VIDEO] Collaborative Leadership is a Mindset
Leading in turbulent times requires a deliberate shift from command-and-control towards a collaborative style of leadership. This may be easier for
TPS and the Two Pillars of Lean
When first learning about TPS and lean, most become focused on the tools. They tend to be flashy and lend to endless discussion about technique and
[VIDEO] Kanban Board Creates Opportunities
Kanban is a lean method to manage and improve systems and process across an organization. The methodology balances the demands with available
Hoshin Kanri Aligns Goals and Unifies Organizations
The concept of Hoshin Kanri provides clarity and focus to an organization, by aligning strategic goals through all levels of an organization. It