Many Trampoline Parts is Not Good Design. Captain Obvious, I know. Yet, that was exactly my experience in taking down and in putting up our new
Hamburgers Eaten Per Year Forms an Obese Pareto Chart
An interesting infographic on the economics of hamburgers shows the Pareto Principle at work. In the data analysis on cheese consumption, we
Meg Whitman Election Fail: 10 Things She Could Have Bought with $175 Million
To my loyal readers: this post is not about Lean Thinking, Theory of Constraints, or anything related to Operational Excellence or Continuous
Lean Six Sigma in India and United States
This article is a follow-up to my article on Justin Bieber and Six Sigma. To the extent that search terms is a measure of intention and interest,
Superfoods List to Help You Become a Better Leader
To be an effective Lean trainer, coach, teacher, sensei, and mentor, one needs a lot of energy. And, it'll help you in your personal development and
Lean Management and Outsourcing: Risks and Benefits
A fun but sad example of poorly managed outsourcing was published earlier this week, which goes to show that outsourcing may sometimes not be your
The Things we Sugar Coat
Sometime last week, my daughter asked what we were having for dinner. I said, "roast and potatoes". Much later, she came to me and asked, "Dad,
Texting by Age Statistics Shows a Clear Pareto :)
The Pareto Principle is alive and well and it can be seen everywhere. Here's an example of Pareto: In a recent Nielsen study on Cell Phone Text
Where Six Sigma is More Popular Than Justin Bieber
Note: If you arrived here searching for Justin Bieber, I'm sorry but you'll see geeky stuff about Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma instead. But, in