As opposed to a Pareto, where the picture of the data shows a nice stratification and separation in the data, a Flateto is exactly the opposite: the
Book Review: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
I just finished reading The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. It took me just a few hours and it was really enjoyable reading. The book presents
Quasi-Lean at a Call Center
I stumbledupon an interesting article on Lean implemented at a Call Center. Their implementation of Lean is pretty basic, but I think it's a decent
Genchi Genbutsu Communication and Communication Breakdown
Genchi Genbutsu Communication is one way to prevent communication breakdown. I've written previously about team dynamics and team size. I've since
Mirrors Reduce the Average Waiting Time for Elevators – Emotionally, but not Physically
I went to California earlier this week for business. I rode in an elevator and that experience reminded me of a simple, yet effective way to aleviate
Deming’s 14 Points and Home Building
While at the doctor's office sometime back, I picked up a copy of a local Utah business magazine. In that magazine, there was an article that
Ask Why’ Five Times About Every Matter
Taiichi Ohno is known to have said that "having no problems is the biggest problem of all." He viewed problems not as a negative but as a "Kaizen
How Many Kanban Cards are Needed: Kanban Types and Analytical Sizing
Unlike traditional "push" systems, where material is moved downstream according to a schedule, or simply "shoved" downstream even when the downstream
Qualitative Variation Grid Example
There are outputs and the processes that produce those outputs. This article shows a way to measure qualitative variation via a simple experiement.