Mary Poppendieck was gracious enough to agree to an interview. She brought the concept of Lean to Agile and is a thought leader in the Agile/Lean for
eCommerce Shipping Strategy: Delivery Times and the Supply Chain
eCommerce Shipping Strategy: Delivery Times and the Supply Chain. How to make shipping a strategic imperative in order to delight the customer. The
Neighbor Dog Pooping On My Lawn
Is your neighbor's dog poop in your yard? Yeah, me too. Do you have difficult neighbors and do they let their dog take a HUGE crap in your yard? Do
Root Cause Analysis Example
Many years ago, Aristotle provided us with a helpful way of seeing problems and in dealing with them: Since everything that is in motion must be
Queueing Theory Calculations and Examples
I previously wrote on Queueing Theory and titled those posts as Queueing Theory: Part 1 and Queueing Theory: Part 2. You can also view all 40+
The Long Tail Pareto Ad Nauseum
Wired Magazine editor Chris Anderson's new book The Long Tail is hot. It is a provocative and innovative book that attempts to show an economics that
Scrum at Yahoo!
These days, there's much written about Lean Software Development, Kanban for Software, and especially Lean Startup Principles for Software. This
Focus on the Customer
Jeff Bezos, during a pre-peak meeting once said to a small group of us that there will be many, many winners on the internet. He said that some follow
Software Development: Agile, Team Size and Dynamics
I've long ranted about Amazon's 2-Pizza Team, which is defined as the following: a team where the team size is no larger than 2 pizzas can feed.