We sent men to the moon in 1969 on a tiny fraction of the data that's in the average laptop. The amount of digital data in the universe is growing at
Takt Time: Timing is Everything
"The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize. " ~Shigeo Shingo We know timing is everything! In both life and business, we
Is Your Business Ready to Start Undertaking Large Process Improvement Projects
Is Your Business Ready to Start Undertaking Large Process Improvement Projects There are a number of effective and successful process improvement
The 1.5 Sigma Shift in Six Sigma
The 1.5 Sigma Shift in Six Sigma Six Sigma is one of the most widely respected business process improvement methodologies available. It comes with a
Change Management: Leading in an Era of Constant Change
Change is a good thing. Leading in an era of constant change can be infuriatingly frustrating. Change is a big part of being successful. Not only is
What is the Kaizen Method
What is the Kaizen Method While Lean Six Sigma is certainly the world's leading business process optimization methodology right now, exploring other
Kaizen: References for Conducting a Kaizen Burst Event
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to complete 80% of your improvement over a 3-5 day period? Imagine being able to master the skill sets necessary
What organizations are using Kata?
When it comes to a healthy workplace, it is safe to say that organization and careful planning are two of the key factors that go into making sure the
Professional Development: Are You Training to Get Results or Checking the Box?
As a Lean Six Sigma professional, are you training to get results? Unfortunately, training is one of those things people do because they have to.