The Toyota Production System (TPS) organizes manufacturing and logistics for manufacturing, which includes interaction with suppliers and customers. A
[VIDEO] Lean Manufacturing and Tesla
Elon Musk has taken Tesla on a path of innovation and success. With that success, they have also experienced setbacks and frustration for both the
The Lean Manufacturing Battle of Tesla
Tesla continues to fight an internal battle to achieve the most efficient Lean manufacturing environment in the world. Elon Musk has brought an
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Understand, Measure and Improve
A best practice in the manufacturing sector and considered the gold standard for measuring productivity, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
[TED Talk] The Next Manufacturing Revolution
The US has been facing a loss of its manufacturing edge over the past few decades to other global manufacturers. The fact is that automation and
[VIDEO] Winning With Exceptional Customer Service
In the U.S., poor customer service costs brands $83 billion every year. A study by management consultancy Bain & Company and Harvard Business
[VIDEO] The Simplicity and Effectiveness of Visual Management
Visual Management is one of the simplest, most effective tools of Lean manufacturing, but often overlooked. The key to success is simplicity. If
[VIDEO] Building the Future With Elon Musk
Elon Musk...innovator and visionary. The guy is mass producing electric cars that are sexy, digging tunnels under Los Angeles and trying to go to
Heijunka Leveling Production Over Time
After value streams have been solidified and embedded, Heijunka is a crucial process implementation in every successful lean organization. Heijunka