One of the most serious causes of workflow process breakdowns is bottlenecks. When efficiency is crucial to an workflow process, a bottleneck can
Bottleneck Analysis Improves Flow
"I say an hour lost at a bottleneck is an hour out of the entire system. I say an hour saved at a non-bottleneck is worthless. Bottlenecks govern both
OEE Is the KPI You Need
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a KPI which has become the gold standard in manufacturing to measure and monitor the effectiveness of
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Understand, Measure and Improve
A best practice in the manufacturing sector and considered the gold standard for measuring productivity, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
The Lean Manufacturing Battle of Tesla
Tesla continues to fight an internal battle to achieve the most efficient Lean manufacturing environment in the world. Elon Musk has brought an
[VIDEO] Building the Future With Elon Musk
Elon Musk...innovator and visionary. The guy is mass producing electric cars that are sexy, digging tunnels under Los Angeles and trying to go to
[VIDEO] The Simplicity and Effectiveness of Visual Management
Visual Management is one of the simplest, most effective tools of Lean manufacturing, but often overlooked. The key to success is simplicity. If
Visual Management is the Key to Communicating
One of the most significant parts of Lean manufacturing is VisualĀ Management. It is truly one of the most overlooked, but simplest tools available to
Theory of Constraints Addresses Weakest Link
The Theory of Constraints (TOC) adopts the common idiom that "a chain is no stronger than its weakest linkĀ and refers to the understanding that