Typical to most mormons, I have a big family. So, I'm looking for cars for big families. Yup, we have 5 biological kids. Atypical, however, is that my
On Time-Traps and Waste
Regarding the Physics of Queueing, or the science of lines, we really only control the number of servers and the queue discipline (LIFO, FIFO, etc.).
Digg as a Game: Applying Game Theory to Digg and Voting Systems
Update: This article was dugg and made it to the Digg front page. The traffic came and I discuss the aftermath here. Go here For a Primer of Majority
Elements of Wait Time Psychology
Some of the physics and technical aspects of Queues are covered in the articles above. Today, I'd like to spend a minute on Wait Time Psychology of
Applied Regression Analysis on Absenteeism and Service Level
In a lot of business analysis, there's quite a bit of art, not just science. In this article, I employ science, but there's definitely some art
Powerpoint Tufte Nasa: Devoid of Meaning
Do you remember the Barack Obama "Yes We Can" speech? Yes, it was very powerful. Now imagine if it were a PowerPoint Deck - all the power and emotion
Book Review: Implementing Lean Software Development
Last week, I invited the readers of shmula to pose questions to Mary Poppendieck, the author of Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit for
Team Dynamics: Size Matters Redux
I've written about the importance of team size before, here, here, and here. Previously, this is what I said: I've written about efficient teams
There are some arguments not to begin a Lean Transformation with 5S. I agree with this. But, this article is not about the broader Lean Tranformation,