The construction industry has been mired in an environment that has been siloed and antiquated for years. The view has been that things have always
Lean Construction Methodologies Lay a New Foundation
Lean construction extends the methods of lean manufacturing to the construction industry by maximizing value and minimizing waste. The industry has
[VIDEO] TPS Lean Factory Tour
The Toyota Production System (TPS) was invented by Toyota's founding fathers in 1930 in Japan. The TPS continuously evolves, making it a benchmark for
[VIDEO] A Day in the Life of Bezos
What would it be like to be the richest person in the world? Could you imagine having more wealth than Bill Gates? Jeff Bezos is most know for his
[VIDEO] Improving Operating Room Efficiency with Lean Six Sigma
The operating room (OR) is a resource intensive and costly unit in every hospital. Finding ways to maximize their efficiency is crucial to ensuring
[VIDEO] Lean Thinking Principles
Lean was born out of manufacturing practices, but in recent times, has transformed the world of knowledge work and management. It encourages the
[VIDEO] Applying Kaizen at Home
Everyone is searching for the magical formula or 'guru' to help them find perfection in their personal lives. Type in "self-help" in your browser, hit
[VIDEO] The Five Principles of Lean
The cornerstone of any organization is based on efficiency and value to the customer. A lean thinking organization uses five simple principles to
Lean Manufacturing: Keeping America Comfortable On A La-Z-Boy
Are you ready for the Super Bowl? Later this week, there is going to be over 100 million people tuning into that uniquely American sporting event.