We have many process analysis tools in Lean, but the poka-yoke is one of the most popular ones. In any given process with human operators, mistakes
Thinking One Step Ahead with SMED
Thinking One Step Ahead with SMED Proper optimization is not just about making the facility run well with the current parameters in mind, but also
Poka-Yoke: Is Mistake Proofing a Reality?
Is A Mistake Free Environment Possible? Wouldn't it be grand to have a process that runs 'mistake proof'? For most, the idea of a mistake proof
What a Coffee Cup Taught Me About Poka Yoke and Human Errors
One can learn a lot about Poka Yoke and Human Errors. This is a story about what a coffee cup taught me about how poor design in our products and
How Not to Get Fat: Facebook Cafeteria Prevents Overeating Through Poka Yoke
Few of us think of eating as a process, but it is. And, just like any process, there are wastes that can be categorized into the 7 Wastes. For
Poka Yoke Example: Prevent Error Through Embarrassment and Humiliation
Poka Yoke Subway Sign Examples - Can Humiliation be enough to prevent human errors? There are numerous methods of preventing error or preventing
No Skateboarding Sign: A Poka Yoke Approach
We know that a Poka-Yoke approach is a much more effective approach to preventing mistakes and errors. But, sometimes, we see the approach of
Toilet Seat Down or Up? This Poka Yoke Forces You to Put Toilet Seat Down
Toilet Seat Down or Up? With this trick, you're guaranteed to always have the toilet seat down. My family and I recently returned from a vacation.
To Err is Human: ATM Machine Error Poka Yoke Design
Most of us are familiar with ATM machines. If you deposit or withdraw money from a bank, rent from a Redbox DVD machine, or have bought from a soda