It is all about the people. You can have all the tools, principles and practices of lean and lean manufacturing down pat, but you are finding success
Accountability: Neither Give or Accept Excuses
"Leaders inspire accountability through their ability to accept responsibility before they place blame." • Courtney Lynch We all attend meetings
Lean Manufacturing Should Focus on the People, Not the Tools
Lean manufacturing and principles have been around for years, so the ideas are not really new. However, the scope of lean and lean manufacturing
[VIDEO] A Different Look at Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a tool designed to help identify not only what and how an event occurred, but also why it happened. Only when
How 5S can Improve the Retail Industry
5S is a quality control technique of Lean that can improve productivity and reduce waste in a multitude of industries. The 5S technique was created in
How Six Sigma Benefits Warehousing Operations
Warehousing is the storage of goods intended for sale or distribution in a warehouse. However, it becomes more complex when this process comes
3 Ways Lean Can Reduce Government Waste
3 Ways Lean Can Reduce Government Waste All over the world, governments are constantly looking for ways through which they can offer better
[VIDEO] The Fine Art of Continuous Improvement
The continual improvement process, also known as continuous improvement process, is the ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes.
Quality Improvement – Will It Ever Be Good Enough?
How many people involved in quality improvement initiatives have ever uttered this question? There have been many, without a doubt. You have been