When there is a leadership change in an organization, there is always a broad idealistic plan on how things are going to change. Invariably, one of
[VIDEO] The Fine Art of Continuous Improvement
The continual improvement process, also known as continuous improvement process, is the ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes.
Quality Improvement – Will It Ever Be Good Enough?
How many people involved in quality improvement initiatives have ever uttered this question? There have been many, without a doubt. You have been
Lean Startup – How Fast Can You Move Forward?
In 1957, Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo introduced a small transistor radio about the size of a cigarette pack. It came in a colorful box complete with a soft
Lean, Cleanliness and the War on Waste
There is a war on waste, and lean principles are leading the attack. Lean is a proven methodology for the elimination of waste within a process. It is
[VIDEO] Learning About the 5S Tool
The 5S tool is used to reduce waste and optimize productivity through maintaining an orderly workplace. The term refers to five steps Sort, Set in
Lean Manufacturing – Whirlpool Takes Quality to the next Level
For over 100 years, Whirlpool has led the appliance industry producing some of the most recognizable and dependable home appliances available to the
TED Talk Video – Lean Thinking Applied To All
Can the lean methodology be applied to all areas of our lives beyond the workplace? Can we use the methodology to explore our full potential and make
YouTube Video: The Principles of Lean Thinking
Lean Thinking is a business methodology that aims to provide a new way to think about how to organize activities to deliver more benefits to society