In Lean Thinking, how something gets done is more important than the results. Anathema you say, let me explain. With an over-zealous focus on
Brainstorming: How To Use The Issue Tree
At bottom, lean thinking is about being able to frame the problem, arrive at root causes, generate original ideas that surgically attack those root
Lean Framework: Freedom within Framework
The Lean Framework is flexible. There's, indeed, a lot of freedom within framework. A fence keeps us safe from harm - often, from harming ourselves
Maintain Forward Tension
This article discusses Creative Tension and its role in Innovation and Change Management. One principle in Wing Chun is the maintaining of forward
Smooth Flow, Memory Simple, Motion Simple
There is a phrase at Toyota, which goes like this: "Smooth Flow, Memory Simple, Motion Simple". We can learn much from Toyota's relentless emphasis
Wing Chun Techniques and Applications to Lean
I recently started studying Wing Chun. I had previously taken martial arts -- about 12 years ago. I studied juijitsu and a little arnis; in
Genchi Genbutsu Communication and Communication Breakdown
Genchi Genbutsu Communication is one way to prevent communication breakdown. I've written previously about team dynamics and team size. I've since
Deming’s 14 Points and Home Building
While at the doctor's office sometime back, I picked up a copy of a local Utah business magazine. In that magazine, there was an article that
Toyota A3 Report Example [video]
Go here to see a video explanation of the A3 and also to get a Toyota A3 Template Download for Free. This article is about the Lean A3 Problem Solving